Well, it's a fine day to start blogging, doncha think?
And so I shall--blog that is.
Let me get this straight, the Illinois State Legislature is saying teachers -- if they impose a moment of silence with the kids at the start of their school day -- must explain the difference between a moment of silence and a prayer!!!!! 'Cause Lord knows we don't want to unduly influence those tiny kindergartners!!! Give. Me. A. Break!!!! This is just so absurb, I'm rendered speechless!
Illinois parents, speak up, speak out! Do you really want the prayer police in your schools. When your little 4th grader says a little "Please help me through this math test, Lord," do you want some crazed ACLU-influenced, riot-club-carrying nazi snatching your child out of that classroom for an indoctrination session on some phony separation of Church and State issue. Well, perhaps, I exaggerate a little. But it could happen!