Life changes. All the time! In February I (Carol) received the gift of Medicare for my birthday, and in March I resigned from the corporate world. Woohoo!
Now that Norm and I had all this free time on our hands, in May we went to Ireland for twelve days. It was a glorious time to visit a magical country. Emerald green everywhere! We stayed in a cottage in the southwest and visited all throughout that area. Norm drove about 2,000 miles in a week in our rented VW Golf. We ran at a bit of a maniacal pace, but that allowed us time to visit Northern Ireland and spend a bit more time in Dublin and visit Newgrange. It was all fantastic.
You know I'm a proud Hillybillyette having been born and raised in West Virginia, and Norm loves that state as well. In June we went to the wonderful Appalachian Mountains to the wonderful town of Davis to a darling, and most curious, apartment on main street above the old bank. Norm bought a Jeep Wrangler, and we spent many fantastic hours running the hills and rivers and back woods!
As we traveled about, we thought so much about Sarah. She loved the mountains--as long as she was warm, of course. We miss her every day, but we remember her with such joy!
We were so blessed to spend so much time with family. Company came most weekends--we loved it! On October 10, we had our family reunion, and folks came from all 'round. It was so great re-connecting and seeing folks we hadn't seen ever! As my sweet sister Jeanette said so correctly, it was just a magical time! Jeanette and family were so kind to let us pop in to visit them--and to visit our Congresspeople as well!
We also visited my brother Sonny and his wife Bobbie in Pennsylvania. They are so very special. They took us to Cape May. Oh what a beautiful little spot that is. And we went to Lancaster. And what is a trip to Lancaster without a visit to the Shady Maple Restaurant where we walked in and waddled out.
Mid-October we felt Old Man Winter knocking on our door, so we made a hasty retreat to Florida, and we've just been rockin' along: out on the boat, out to play cards, out to potlucks, out to visit friends, and, of couse, out to doctors' appointments. I am pleased to say we're both in really ok health. Truly we are blessed!
Christina and John are fine and dandy. Their pups, Gidget and Gizmo, are the two cutest dogs on the entire Planet. Chris is working hard to save America and doing a fine job!

We hope you will join us in praying for the safety of our military folk everywhere and for our great Country. America truly is the best place in the world. And, yes, we are exceptional!!!
We also hope you enjoy this joyous Christmas Season and that you will enjoy God's Amazing Blessings each and every day of the year! Come visit anytime!