Sunday, June 12, 2011

Around Lansdale/Lancaster

Someone with really good taste gave some a really great gift!
We went to Lancaster for dinner at the Shady Maple; but on the way we stopped at Mr. Glick's farm. He bred Gidget, Chris and John's Old English Sheepdog. After many years, he has adopted out all his dogs except for this labradoodle and two more and the standard poodle. These are some very happy dogs. We had a great visit!

Mr. Glick's barns.

Baby barnswallows.

Mr. Glick's home.

Ahhhhhhh Lancaster!
Next stop: Connecticut! Lovin' the Northeast! Spring green everywhere and blanket weather!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Around Lansdale

There are four of babies (robins)and a mommie and daddy living in this home on Sonny and Bobbie's patio.

This is fascinating. This machine removes railroad ties and replaces them with new ones. There are all kinds of different graspers that even move the tracks. Took about ten minutes to replace a tie!

This is us havinig breakfast at the Towne Restaurant in Telford. Yummy!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Trip Pics

Lovely little forest next to our motel stop in Fayetteville NC. Not sure if the fence is to keep the animals in or the humans out!

Ice cream in Georgetown.

Number 1 requirement for a camera person -

Good knees! These folks have to crawl around all day long. When someone is coming to the stage they want to film, they walk to the sides; then as time gets closer, they duck-walk to their positions; finally, they hit their knees and wait. Ouch!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Best Explanation Ever of our Debt Crisis

The Convention has ended. We were unable to attend yesterday's events because Norm's back is raging! But Friday was the money day! Speakers included Col. Alan West, Michelle Bachman (She is a feisty little thing!), Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Haley Barbour and a host of others. (My list is downstairs :( ). And my pictures have disappeared! : ( But I want you to read this: (And I can't even remember his name, but he's the head of the House Budget Committee...) Imagine this:

You and your husband haven't really looked at your budget in a couple of years, so you feel it's time to sit down and see where you stand. Your annual net income is $46,000; your annual expenses are $76,000 and in the drawer is your VISA card. You have charged


And that is where America stands today !

And we are talking about raising the debt ceiling, putting together another stimulous package, adding government jobs!!!! Are we just plain crazy????

BTW, National unemployment average is 9.4% - and we know it's really much higher. And home prices are still dropping all over the country; here in DC, home prices are rising, and the unemployment rate is 5.4%.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Washington D.C.

We arrived here at sister Jeanette's home. Well, she and son Geoffrey are in Hawaii, but husband Greg is here. Thanks Greg for letting us stay!!! (It's not like he would kick us out for crying out loud. I'm the family matriarch for heaven's sake!)
These roads are SCARY! There is so much construction. And my passenger side brakes are not working too well. Neither are Norm's actually. You see...Norm believes brakes are totally optional when driving!
We did a test run today - driving downtown (from northern Virginia). Followed directions and made it to our destination. (We're attending the Faith and Freedom Convention the next two days.) So Norm dropped me off at the hotel (just getting info b/4 tomorrow's kickoff) and went off to park the car. He didn't like the fee at the lot across the street and found "two hour" parking on the street. I walked out to the car to get his glasses for him (his back is really acting up!), and there was this tiny pocket person writing (electronically) a parking ticket. And she didn't stop when I walked right up to her! You see, Norm didn't see the big blue P for "pay for parking" box he parked right beside. So instead of paying $20 to park all day across the street, we're on the hook for a $25 parking ticket! One can only LOL! Then we found out that was not a police woman issuing that ticket but a private company who pays these ticket writers commissions and bonuses for writing tickets!!!!
I love Washington! There can never be too much pomp and circumstance here. I love going up Connecticut Avenue and looking at the embassies and lovely homes on the side streets. I love the museums and monuments.
Today we stopped in Georgetown--my ole stomping grounds when I was here in the 60's. In particular I was looking for "The Cellar Door" which was a hugely popular hangout for folksingers. Sadly I had a bit of a brain burp and kept asking everyone I passed who looked like they had lived in Georgetown for a while for "The Blue Door!" No one ever heard of it! One can only LOL!
Well, we found some ice cream and drove back here. We had a great dinner with Greg; we're turning in early 'cause we'll be gone all day tomorrow. Hello Mitt, Herman, Tim, Michelle, and who knows who else!